Timecode Notes Field Recording App

Version 11.5 created by Matt Price @ soundrolling.com

Note: Data is saved locally on your device. Use the "Clear All" button to reset the table and in settings clear cache and refresh app will reset it to default.

Timestamp Notes Location Actions

Take Timelogger
This uses the current timecode readout for timecode timestamps.
Scene Slate Take Duration Timestamp Start Timestamp End Actions

Schedule Tracker This lets you enter in a schedule and then if your timecode falls within the start and end time then the element cell will highlight green.

When you are finished you can export a copy. The table auto sorts to the start time.

Currently Viewing: Default Schedule

This is so when shooting over midnight and it goes into day 2 the table stays in order.
Day Start Time End Time Event Actions

Import Schedule

You can export a blank schedule and then edit and reimport.


App Storage Usage (Max 5MB)
Local Storage Used: 0 KB


GPS Co-Ordinates for notes


Quickfire Buttons

Project Details

Gear Used

Input Channels

Patch Bay

Add your gear used and input list to help create your patch bay.

Track # Input Name Patched From Input # Mic Model 48v? Actions
Reference Files This is for locally referencing documents like call sheets or movement orders for the project or just today's script for example.
File Name Display Name Actions

Reference Links This is for compiling useful links together in case you don't want to have whole documents uploaded.
URL Actions

Mic Mapper Tool

Upload a map and place microphone icons on it.

You can also install it for offline functionality onto your device.